I dream in digital.. Because it's better than nothing.
|Alternative Lifestyle|
About Me
My Pe0ple
My Dem0ns
Dump Bush

"If the people we love are taken from us, the way they live on is to never stop loving them. Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever."
-Sarah 'The Crow'
If life is but a dream, then send me to reality.
BURN DADDY BURN! Your life is no more.. Welcome to your new hell!!
A cold numbness sent forth by pills and depression creeps into my body and engulfs my soul slowly chocking me with fear of leaving by no choice but to flee into this darkness never to return to this great heart wrenching world full of hate and dispair.
With my foot on your neck.. I finally have you right where I want you.
-The Used
You always pick the best times to drop the worst lines. You almost made me cry again this time.
-The Used
You were from a perfect world, A world that.. Threw me away today.
-The Used
I guess it's better you trapped yourself in your own way.
If you could look inside my mind and see this never ending struggle I must face everyday.. Would you still judge me?
Just remember, When you think you're free.. The crack inside your fucking heart is me!
-Marilyn Manson (Brian Warner)
Watched her paint her face on. Wanna be that magazine she based her life on. Got no one to blame but me! Gasoline.
I'm to weak. Do you see.. Just how much you hurt me?
Now as they cry.. Still I die!!
I wish I was like you, Easily amused.
-Kurt Cobain
Please help me cuz' I'm breaking down, This pictures frozen and I can't get out!
Someone judge me! QUICKLY! Before I become an individual!
Someone rip my heart out, And leave me here to bleed.
Is it enough to die, somebody save my life.
I am nothing more than a little girl who cries inside, who wants attention, Yet I always try to hide.
I wish to hear the saddest song, And sit alone wondering.. How you're doing tonight.
Somedays you realize you're just not okay.
With you is where I am, Whilest I close my eyes.
If there is delight in love, Tis when I see that heart which others bleed for.. Bleed for me.
How do you plead? INSANITY!